Can Anyone Tell Me What Is 0x800488e5 Error?

A) 0x800488e5 error is caused due to system files had corrupted. It causes the system to display this 0x800488e5 error message on your computer screen. The damage files can cause the system to misbehave or to not function correctly at all. To fix this 0x800488e5 error, you need to go to your start menu, and then traverse to the control panel. In this, choose the option of system restore and then select the option of restore from an earlier point and then restore your computer. It will restore and replace all your system files with the time when they were not damaged or corrupted. It will solve your issue.
B) To fix this 0x800488e5 error, you need to install and then run the tech utilities repair tool from the internet in your pc. It will scan and fix the system files of your pc when runs. It will resolve your issue.