Can I add textbox or forms to c++?

Hi Buddy,
Is it possible to add object such as textbox, labels or forms to my c++ program? What is the syntax of creating object using c++ programming language? Thanks.

Hi Buddy,
Is it possible to add object such as textbox, labels or forms to my c++ program? What is the syntax of creating object using c++ programming language? Thanks.
C++ TextBox or Form.
The C++ Textbox manage is typically used by the member to write few text into part of the application or form. More commonly used to enter small text data, it can be used with the multiline option for larger text fields. You can also fix the text length field as well as use the manage for special fields as passwords, age, user name etc. The text entered in the textbox field can be used to update any data into the database through the text field or form too. After create a new text field, it may be empty, the user can write in it to fill with text.
1 ) If you want to create a new C++ popup forms or textbox:
TextBox^ textbox = gcnew TextBox;
2) If you want to add a new location to the C++ Forms or textbox.
textbox->Location = Point(15,15);
3) If you want to setup the size of the Textbox Manage.
textbox->Size = System::Drawing::Size(300, 25);
4) if you want to add a text value for the C++ textbox manage.
textbox->Text = "Please enter your text here";
5) Assigning a C++ Button manage to the form or textbox.
this-> Controls->Add(textbox);