Can I know how to compare two Excel files as soon as possible

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I have two almost identical excel sheets. My job is to find out the differences between the sheets and rectify them to produce identical files. Both the files have really minute differences. How to compare two Excel files?

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Can I know how to compare two Excel files as soon as possible


Here are some ways, which I hope, will be an answer to your query- how to compare two Excel files. You can compare the Excel files by viewing them side by side. Just open the workbooks you want to compare, go to View tab on any one of the files, choose View Side by Side option. Click on Arrange all to orient the files the way you desire. Also, from the same section, enable Synchronous Scrolling for scrolling through both the files at the same time. Now, you can compare the files line by line and make the necessary changes.

Another method is conditional formatting, which in your case, will prove very useful. Here, the hard work is done by Excel itself. It highlights the discrepancies. For this, the sheets have to be in the same workbook. Right-click on the name of the sheet, select Move or Copy, specify the destination folder from the drop-down menu.

Select all the cells in the sheet in which you want to find the differences in. Go to Home, choose Styles. Further, select Conditional Formatting, and then New Rule. Choose the Use a Formula option and type in this code:

(Replace sheet_name with the name of the other sheet)

Now click on Format, choose the way your highlighting to be, and hit OK.

You will get the cells with differences highlighted!


Yet again, if you have Office Professional Plus 13 or Microsoft 365 Apps, you could use the Spreadsheet Compare available in the Start menu.

Click on Spreadsheet Compare, go to Home-> Compare files. Add the files to be compared.

From a panel on the left, check the required option and click OK.

Your work is done!

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