Hi guys. I have been using Windows magic packet over internet for wake on LAN. Is there a way I can shutdown using magic packet? What else do I need for this to work? I'm on a Windows 7 64 bit system. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Can I shutdown via Windows magic packet over internet?
Hi Elija Hale Jandroo,
Definitely not, that windows magic packet is designed only to wake up a computer on sleep, the packet that can be sent is a mouse move or key stroke only that can wake up the your computer being slept or shut down, If you want to shut down your PC remotely, you can use android apps like the Shutdown Start Remote or you can also  browse your apps in the iTunes store for apple apps regarding your request.
Can I shutdown via Windows magic packet over internet?
You are one lucky person because I was actually looking for the same thing…Magic Packet cannot perform the shutdown task… only wake. However, I came across something very useful, It's called GRC – You just Google the phrase "GRC Gmail" and you will find it quick. This is an application that runs in the background of your PC. You send an email or what I usually do is send an email to the Gmail account it is set to monitor, it picks up the shutdown command and there you have it, almost like a magic packet shutdown. I would however advise you to set up a special Gmail account for this. I don't trust any software with my Gmail login details. Hope this will help you…