I used a Licensed Avira Antivirus about One and Half years ago. It was awesome but after one year it's license was expired. At that moment I have very afraid about my PC protection.
I came to learn about free AVG from one of my friends. After hearing about free AVG antivirus I started to use AVG for 5 months. It is an awesome product. But recently it has shown a warning that you are using freeware please buy a license.
I search free AVG number on Google but it is hard to select the version.
Can I use same Free AVG Number for all AVG 7 Antivirus?
Can I Use Same Free AVG Number For All AVG Antivirus?
Yes of course you can use the same Free AVG Number for all AVG 7 Antivirus. It has the same functions and features to block antivirus. It is also essential to update your Free AVG Number to continue using its free version.
Although you received a warning that you are using freeware please buy a license don’t care about it, just ignore it as long as you are updating your software.
Best regards,
Heather Marie
Can I Use Same Free AVG Number For All AVG Antivirus?
Hi Alfred Martinez,
If your AVG number is the same version of your AVG 7 then you can use it. But of course, the best of all is to buy a license instead of looking for free license out there.
Some free license is usable but the problem is you cannot update your software because the AVG website may detect it as a pirated license.
Can I Use Same Free AVG Number For All AVG Antivirus?
The answer to your question is yes.
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