Can iRadar and iPhone be active simultaneously
Can you have iradar active and still make and receive hands free phone calls via Bluetooth. In other words can both iradar and phone be active via Bluetooth simultaneously?
Can you have iradar active and still make and receive hands free phone calls via Bluetooth. In other words can both iradar and phone be active via Bluetooth simultaneously?
The I Radar can be active simultaneously with the phone via Bluetooth, such that you can answer a call that comes in via Bluetooth headset or through speaker and after the call, the application resumes once the call is disconnected.
Most applications in iPhone support background running mode, therefore they can run in the background as you use the i Radar on your iPhone.
If you want to know more about iRadar, you may want to look into the IRadar documentation app link at to know more about your application. Here is also a link to the official website of Cobra iRadar
Although according to CNET, it is priced at $79.00 to $129.99, and has a 3.5 star rating, but do try it out.