Hi there, I have recently heard about these latest wireless product made by Wolfpack Systems that can be used for transferring data securely in harsh environments. Can anyone tell me who were the cooperative company/companies to have supported in the making of this product? In addition to that, Please tell the likely effects that it may cause in the security and defense sector for the countries who might be willing to use this facility.
Can SEFI6 by Wolftank Systems be helpful in security and defense sector?
Hi there! If we are talking of wireless product for secure transmission, it could be Wolftank Systems and not Wolfpack. Wolftank Systems uses the chirp technology made by Nanotron Technologies. This product is made for industrial use specifically in the petroleum and chemical industry. The safety and security that they are talking about here is that during the transmission of data wirelessly, it is possible to ignite flammable materials since theoretically, under very precise conditions, it is possible for a spark from a certain system’s battery to ignite gas vapor. This system eliminates that possibility that’s why it is safe and secure to use even in hazardous condition such as that of a chemical factory. With regards to the defense sector, a different type of security and safety is employed such as safety from data being intercepted.