Hallo there!
I have been using Windows XP for a while and only having a little experience with Windows 7 on my parents' computer. I have never owned one until recently. Since I am new, I would like to get some interesting computer tips so that I am able to take good care of my computer and make sure that the performance is fully optimized. Could anyone share with me some tips? It is a Dell Vostro 1015. Thanks a bunch.
Can someone send me some interesting computer tips?
Below is a listing of categories containing all known computer tips and tricks. With these tips users can increase their productivity on the computerand make their overall computer experience a lot more enjoyable.
1 .Keep your work area clean.
2. Close all programs before you shut down your computer.
3. Don't bring food or drinks near your computer.
4. Dust your computer and shake dirt out of the keyboard.
5. Having an available antivirus software would help.
6. Always have clean hands when using your computer.
7. Plug in accessory devices into their proper slots.
8. Â Use and store in a well-ventilated area.
9. Keep your laptop away from small children.
10. You can make an easy screen protector from a thin piece of floppy foam cut the size of your screen.
11. Develop a preventive maintenance schedule to prevent problems rather than fixing them after they happen
I hope this information helps keep your computer secure and running well.