Can we put meta tags in every post in blogger?
I've been studying meta tags and seo for a week now. I noticed that if you are using a as your host, putting meta tags is limited. Now, A thought came out to my mind that if we can put meta tags in every post we can use its power. Is this possible?
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15 points
Can we put meta tags in every post in blogger?
Hi Maria,
For sure it is possible to put meta tags in every post in your blog. Just use the following procedure:
Go to design and choose edit html. But before that create a backup of your template in case the changes you make end up being tragic.
Look through the template to find the following code: <title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>
After finding it, paste the following code just below it: <meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' name='description'/>
That is it. You can now enjoy a few more hits on your blog.
Hope you are helped.