Can we run exe file in DOS?

I wanted to run an exe file in DOS. Is it possible to run an exe file in DOS? If yes, how can I run this file? Please suggest
some ideas.

I wanted to run an exe file in DOS. Is it possible to run an exe file in DOS? If yes, how can I run this file? Please suggest
some ideas.
Hey Matth Santos!
Yes you can run executable files (.exe) from DOS. For this purpose just you have to do the following steps.
1. Click on start > Accessories > Command Prompt. And open it.
2. Now enter the path where the .exe file is. For example if your file is in E drive and in folder named as Office and the name of .exe file is Setup.exe then you will type this command:
3. First we will type the Letter of drive like this E: and then hit enter.
4. Then we will type the folder name and .exe file name. Like 'Officesetup.exe' and hit enter.
5. It will open the executable program. I hope it will help you a lot.
Just a follow up on the previous post, comment number 51223. In his example, he tried to execute “setup.exe” file located inside the folder called Office. Please take note that to be able to execute an executable or EXE file (.exe) in DOS, the EXE file should be a DOS type. “setup.exe” in this example is a Windows executable or win32 or win64 program used to install Microsoft Office.
Since it is a win32 or win64 application or executable, therefore running it on plain DOS operating system is not possible unless you have Microsoft Windows running. If you are accessing DOS within Microsoft Windows, then running “setup.exe” is possible because it will only shift back to Windows once the program is started. But if you run this program in plain DOS operating system, it will give you an error.
To execute an EXE file in DOS, you need to be in the exact location where the executable is located unless the file is located in a path set in the PATH command. If the location of the file is set in the PATH command, for example, PATH=E:Office, you don’t need to go to the location of the file. Just run the file in any folder you are currently in and it will launch the program automatically.
But if the location of the file is not specified in the PATH command, you need to go to the location of the file before you can execute it. If the file is in drive E, in the command prompt, type without quotes “e:” and then hit Enter. This directs you to the root of drive E.
You can also omit the backslash symbol () but if you do this, it will direct you to the current folder where the drive was last accessed from. Once you are in drive E, you need to go inside the folder called Office. To do that, in the command prompt, type without quotes “cd office” and then press Enter. You will then be directed inside the Office folder.
Once inside, you can now start “setup.exe”. To start the program, simply type without quotes “setup” then press Enter. You can omit the “.exe” extension since it is an executable.