Can we use Jquery with

Is there anyway that we can use with Jquery.If it can be used then it will increase the functionality of the website.So, please help me with this.

Is there anyway that we can use with Jquery.If it can be used then it will increase the functionality of the website.So, please help me with this.
Hey Clark Orcus!
Yes it is possible that you can use jQuery with ASP.Net and also it will increase the efficiency of your website.
I was using only ASP.Net for my website when one of my friends told me that if I use jQuery along with ASP.Net, it will increase the efficiency of my website. He helped me a lot in doing all this but the efficiency of my website has really increased. I would like to recommend you to use jQuery along with ASP.Net. For tutorial, you can search on the internet. Here I am also going to add a link that will be beneficial for you.
Tunacao Caaron