Can you use Norton with an Opera browser to scan for viruses?

Is there a Norton product that you can use with your Opera browser to scan for viruses when checking emails or downloading a file?

Is there a Norton product that you can use with your Opera browser to scan for viruses when checking emails or downloading a file?
It is Possible with Norton Antivirus. It is possible with Norton Auto Protect system. If any file downloaded or extracted from Opera, whether mail or any download from net, it will be checked when Norton is in "Auto Protect" mode. It also scan emails attachments if any. But it does not scan automatically, only when attachment download to disk.
For secure scanning follow below steps.
1) Download files from e-mail and save it to PC.
2) Right click your downloaded file (in Opera window) and choose "Scan with Norton Antivirus".
Hi Miller,
You might want to check Norton Safe Web, it is a toolbar you can install in your computer and it will take effect on your Opera browser. It informs you whether a website is safe even before viewing it. Just sign up and then you can already download the software. This also has anti phishing feature that scans and avoids you from any credit card fraud website. You can check this website to know more about the software.