Please reply ASAP. I need to access Pretashop forum immediately. Is their site down? I can access other websites freely. I can reach their home page but when I select a topic it says page not found. Any members here from Pretashop who encountered the same thing?
Cannot access Prestashop forum today
The website was just probably down for that time. This happens to almost all websites the most common cause is too much request from people accessing that website, there's a certain amount of "bandwidth" supplied by the website and when it reaches its threshold it can go down.
Cannot access Prestashop forum today
I think when you visit the website it was down and you was not able to surf the webpage you want to use. There can also be number of problems such as if your service provider or due to any other error website is not able to use then you can surf it as a proxy user to do this you need to install a software named as Hot Sport Shield and you will be able to visit the website as you want.
Smith Thompson