Hi folks,
I have a Linksys WAP610N Access Point, that is configured to only allow internet access to wireless devices, whose Mac address is filled in the Mac filter. I recently purchased a Compaq Presario CQ60 laptop and tried adding its Mac address to my access point.
I keep getting an error message that the format of my Mac address is incorrect and cannot be added to the access point.
I do not want to remove the Mac address security, so it is very important for me to figure out how to get my access point to accept my Mac address. My Mac address is: 00:1F:16:6C:67:90
Thanks for help.
Cannot add mac address to access point
Hello Mr. Jackson,
I hope you are enough of an expert in computer operations and you will easily understand my answer.
Go to Search box and type cmd, to open command prompt. Type getmac there,
Use VP Script to find original or changed mac address
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & strComputer & "rootcimv2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select MACAddress from Win32_NetworkAdapter where DeviceID=1")
For Each objItem in colItems
Wscript.Echo "MAC Address: " & objItem.MACAddress
You can also find it in Network and sharing Centre. This is in local area connection tab. Go through details and then physical properties.
Hope this works.
Cannot add mac address to access point
Does your wireless access point detect the wireless MAC address of your computer when you click on site survey on the access point?
In the first place you should not be encountering this problem.Â
Adding the MAC address of your wireless computer to the wireless access point should not be issue but if the firmware of your wireless access point is corrupted then you need to do a firmware upgrade but if your access point is already using the latest try to do a re-flash of its firmware, meaning load the same firmware version to your device and do a hard reset and reconfigure.Â
See if it solves your problem.Â
Hope this helps.