Cannot complete the Topaz Clean2 command

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


Firstly my primary problem was resolved on Sunday by Ashley Robinson who gave all the replies. So she earns a BIG, BIG THANK YOU!!!!

Now yesterday when I wanted to save my Topaz changes in either regulate or Clean2, I got the following things:

"Proc Engine: error code:-1000"

I clicked OK only to get this:
Could not complete the Topaz Clean2 command because -Proc Engine error"

Why is that occurring? Need your help to solve this.

Thanks a lot.

Answered By 40 points N/A #97892

Cannot complete the Topaz Clean2 command


"Proc Engine: error code:-1000"

These error messages are also often related to memory and the size of image. As a test process, you can try using a smaller image and see if you still get those error messages.

After doing that you also need to follow the procedure below:-

  1. Always be sure that you are using the latest version of Topaz. You can get it easily online at this URL
  2. Also try reducing the amount of memory that Photoshop is allowed to use down to just about 70% only.
  3. Restarting your PC and closing any other additional programs or any such images not in use will also paves more memory.


Try increasing your virtual memory to more than 4 gb (if you have that much space)

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