Cannot connect to itunes store
Hello Friends,
I receive this error when I try to open iTunes store in my iPhone4 is there something wrong with my iOS?
Thank you for the solution.
Cannot connect to iTunes store
Hello Friends,
I receive this error when I try to open iTunes store in my iPhone4 is there something wrong with my iOS?
Thank you for the solution.
Cannot connect to iTunes store
There is some solution you might try to fix this problem. First of fall just checks your WiFi connections. its working correctly or not. Second logout from your ID and then switch off your mobile for 2 minutes then switch on again your mobile and log in and try it. Third solution is step by step.
1. Go to the settings.
2. General.
3. Date and time.
4. Make set automatic Off.
5. Now make the date ahead one year.
Now try if it doesn't work come back to original settings to 4TH step and make it set automatically. Try once more the same procedure from step 1 to 5. It will definitely work.
It seems like that your device is unable to connect with internet. That's why this kind of problem is occurring.
Check your device's internet settings. Be sure that your device can access internet easily. And iTunes is allowed to access internet. And while using iTunes, internet connection is not disconnected. Then you will be able to access iTunes Store.
You can do following things to solve your problem.