Cannot convert VTS_01_1.VOB files using IfoEdit

Asked By 70 points N/A Posted on -

Hi all,

I have a problem with IfoEdit. This concerns with converting .VOB files.

There are several faulty VTS_01_1.VOB files on many disks, because of the way the disk menus had been created by a video->dvd recorder.

I can convert all of the.VOB files on the disk, but the VTS_01_1.VOB files just weren't responding (huge trash before the navigation pack).



INTERNAL ERROR:additional data required but no free space in input buffer.

I need help in fixing this problem.

Help will be very much appreciated.

Answered By 40 points N/A #96779

Cannot convert VTS_01_1.VOB files using IfoEdit


Hi there,

It seems you are having trouble with conversion of video files.

The application you are using are not very much ranked , i suggest using some reputed application like converters and other utilities .

If you want to convert video or audio files use Total video converter or any video converter which are one of the best available in the market. You can try and purchase Total Video Converter from the link provided:

It works fine for me , even though I'm having little older version

If you want to fix your video files just go to this URL Fix


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