Cannot extract rar files using WinRAR


Hello Forbeswarren,
Let me try to solve this problem. This error C:UsersMarcDesktopGuitar.Hero.6.Warriors.of.Rock.XBOX360-MARVELmvl-ghwr.r71: CRC failed in mvl-ghwr.iso.
The file is corrupt. This problem is usually appears whenever some files are missing.
This may be due to some files being corrupted or they might not have been uploaded properly.
If you have the quickpar then use it to check whether you have the whole files or not.
If you don’t have then you need to download one from the link below.
Download QuickPar v0.9.1.0 (freeware) – AfterDawn: Software downloads
By using quickpar it 99.9% of the times fixes the rar files if there are enough blocks.
I hope this will help.
Sometimes in WinRAR, the error lies in the name of the file, or the name of the folder inside the WinRAR file would be the cause of the error, most likely the cause of the problem is the “Guitar. Hero. 6. Warriors. of. Rock. XBOX360-MARVEL”. What you might want to do is to rename the RAR file or the folder, into a shorter name (for example, GH6WoR). To do these you need to select first the RAR file then right click on it, then select rename.
You also would want to change the name of the folder inside the RAR, to do this, you need to open the RAR file, then right click on the folder inside and select rename.
You can also download and install WinRar 4.10, please watch the video below:
If this does not work, or you want an alternative method, download 7zip
If these methods do not work, it is highly likely the file that you have downloaded is corrupted.
You wanted to extract XBox 360 rar files but failed.
The cause may be files have been corrupted or broken.
Corrupted files can not be extract or open easily but also difficult to edit,delete,move etc.
While downloading by download manager it may break the checksums of compressed files.
If you can manage enough par files,you can cover any missing data.
But if you try harder to open corrupted files by winwar you may be succeed. You may like this easy steps.
Have a good luck.
The solution that you three guys gave was just incredible. You worked really hard for this I think.
Keep boarding your helping hand, then others will be inspired seeing you.
I have no words to praise you.
Also I want to give thank to
It's an awesome website.