I keep getting the following error message: The program used to create this object is AcroExch.
That program is not installed on your computer.
To edit this object, you must install a program that can open the object".
This happens when I try to insert a PDF doc into Word.
Where can I get the AcroExch, program?
Cannot insert a PDF doc into Word
Conan, that's a good question you have asked right there!it has been experienced before and therefore can be solved. What you need to know in this case is that the pdf documents cannot be inserted directly into Ms word. That is why there is the reason of this error message 'the program AcroExch' is not installed on your computer.
That program 'AcroExch' is quite difficult to be found but you can be able to insert a PDF file into word as an object.
But unfortunately it will only display the first page! What you can do is to go to the reader software and select the option 'convert from file' once you convert, it should be able to function in ms word
I hope this solves your query
Cannot insert a PDF doc into Word
To insert a PDF doc into word there are so many ways. I think if you go to the proper path the error message will not come. I shall suggest three ways to follow:
1. To insert a PDF file into word document go via Insert>Picture>from file command. The PDF appears on the page, slightly though the PDF will be reduced slightly, don’t worry. You can resize it by going Format>picture dialog. It is somehow complex to do but it can be inserted in word and re-saved as same as the original.
2. Another way is to use the file converter. First of all Abbyy PDF Transformer 1.0 should be downloaded
Then convert PDF file to the Word Document.
3. The last option to do it you will need a scanner and a printer. By printing out the picture, you have to scan it and paste the picture in word.
Cannot insert a PDF doc into Word
AcroExch is associated with both Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat. There are different methods of checking the problem regarding AcroExch. One is to check the registry path for Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader.
To do this, click Start then Run, type without quotes “regedit” then hit Enter. When the Registry Editor opens, go to this location in the registry: [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTSoftwareAdobeAcrobatExe]. Make sure that the default path for Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader is similar to these:
C:Program FilesAdobeReader 9.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe – default path for Adobe Reader
C:Program FilesAdobeAcrobat 9.0AcrobatAcrobat.exe – default path for Adobe Acrobat
If you see a different value in the default path, change it to the actual path of your Adobe product. But in case this registry item doesn’t exist in the registry, create a new entry. Click Start then Run. Enter without quotes “regedit” then hit Enter. Create the entry “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTSoftwareAdobeAcrobatExe” by going to Edit, New, Key.
When the registry path “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTSoftwareAdobeAcrobatExe” is finished, go to Edit, New, String Value and then name this key as without quotes “(Default)”. After this, double-click (Default) to modify it then enter the actual path of your Adobe product which is somewhat similar to the paths listed above.
Restart your computer after this then see if this fixes it.
For a different method visit here.