Cannot load Adorage support library Pinnacle

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hello guys, I have here is a screenshot of the error that occurred while I am trying to load Pinnacle Studio application.

I am searching in many forums and posts on how to resolve this but I got no luck.

Thanks in Advance  if you can help me for this. 

Adorage Plug-in

Cannot load Adorage support-library.

Please install the new adorage plug-ins

Best Answer by Allen Kenneth
Answered By 0 points N/A #123051

Cannot load Adorage support library Pinnacle


There were two types of software 1. Hard software 2.Soft software.

Whereas we are enable to write a document with the software.

However,hard software cannot be installed.

But soft software is a proper software to install in the computer's ROM(Read only memory) and RAM(Random access memory). Penetrate and go to control panel.

Click on programs. Select uninstall programs. It shows every name of your computer programs.

Search the name of your program Adorage support-library-pinnacle. Double click on Adorage support-library-pinnacle.

Your program will auto uninstalled.

Don't worry, please install your program again. Results as done.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 20 points N/A #123052

Cannot load Adorage support library Pinnacle


Hi Mithek,

Try this method. This might be the solution you seek.
Just Delete the files from the plug-ins directories.
Also, you have to make sure that you didn't add any link to the Adorage directories into the list of directories searched by Liquid.
This is located in the Control – Panel > Site > Plug – Ins dialog.

There is another solution which can be used. Follow This procedure. It should help you to solve this error:

Download the pinnacleservice.exe (Studio 9) or the adopinnacleservice.exe (Studio 10, 11, 12) files from proDA. You can download it from here:  

*Service for Pinnacle Studio 9.x URL : )

*Service for Pinnacle Studio 10.x/11.x/12.x 

Install the downloaded files. Follow anything on-screen prompts.

Once this is done, you should be able to launch Studio properly now.

Hope either of this two methods will help in resolving it.

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