The error message “Can't load project. It can be missing or corrupted” is displayed when I try to load an .avi file that I have created and saved using my AVS Video Editor 5.2. Last time, I clicked the “Produce” button to save it but its not opening. What can be done to open the file without any errors?
Cannot Load Project Created by AVS Video Editor
Like the error message just states, there could be a possibility that the video file that you created is missing is corrupt or missing. When you were saving it, did the application confirm to you the application was saved successfully, or did you try opening it at that time to establish if it was saved successfully?
In case video was working well when you saved it, there could be a possibility that it is corrupt, and that will be as a result of a virus attack or it could be as a result of wrong procedure for saving the video file or mishandling it. In that case you may need to go back to the application and create the video from scratch and then make sure that you use the right procedure to save it.
-Keegan Robb