This error appears when trying to save a modified Dab Type variant with Plug-in method. This also appears when selecting Pattern Chalk variant to Glow Brush on my Mac PC. I already tried to restore the default variant but the error still appears. What is the workaround for this issue?
Cannot load variant. The plugin brush associated with this variant is not loaded.
Cannot Load Variant on Saving Dab Type Variant
Hi Derek,
Please open your painter folder. Inside it there will be a plug ins folder. Uninstalling and reinstalling may be the solution. However, it's possible that your Painter.set file is corrupted. If you haven't reinstalled yet, when you do, make a backup copy of the default files in the main painter folder. Then if it turns out your painter.set file (or any of the other default Painter files) is corrupted, you can easily replace it by pasting a copy from the backup folder into the main painter folder.