Asked By
10 points
Posted on - 09/13/2011
I have recently been having this error message coming up on my Adobe Premiere Pro CS when I try to save a file in a shared network:
ProjectSave Error
Could not open the project file with write access. The file may be locked or you may not have permission to write to this location. ‘Save As’ from the file menu to save the project to a new location.
The system runs on Windows 7.
Is this a common problem for Premiere users?
Cannot open file with write access
This error might occur because of the administration rights of your local computer. Are you using the computer in a network? If so go to your network admin and ask for the rights to edit the files which your are working. May be the rights are restricted to your user account.
Or else,
For standalone computer see the below facts are given in your settings.
And if it there just go to the folder you have saved the file and right click on that. There unchecked the Read only option if it is checked.
Cannot open file with write access
It means that you don't have any access on the file and it requires your administrator to change his or her setting for this particular file. It seems that all of your privilege for the file is disable to all.
I think you should ask the administrator to fix this. If you are the administrator and accessing it to another station then the solution is. Right Click the file or the folder where it is and then select Properties then select the Security tab and then allow it to open for everyone or only for you.
The sample image is above on how the security tab looks like.