Cannot resolve hostname error message

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


I am getting the following error message using both HTTP and HTTPS. I can’t resolve the host name as I have tried another viewer but could not fix this problem. You can see the whole error message below so it would be enough to find a proper solution. I need an expert’s suggestion. Any help would be grateful. Thanks.

Cannot resolve hostname

Could not display “davs://ckhorton@https//ctool…f-2a21-4fc2-84da-2db38e7db2f”.

Error:HTTP error: Cannot resolve hostname (https)

Please select another viewer and try again.

Answered By 0 points N/A #176167

Cannot resolve hostname error message


There may be two possible causes:

  1. If your internet or if your internet provider have issues or it is doing a rolling backup maintenance
  2. If the website is doing a rolling maintenance or if the grid has issue

You can try resetting browser cache. To do this run command line as an administrator and then type these commands:

Ipconfig /flushdns

Net stop dnscache

Net start dnscache

Ipconfig /flushdns

Wait and then close the cmd. You can also contact your ISP if they have any issue. Try to visit another site if still it happens it's must your ISP problem.

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