Cannot run Aero on Windows Vista

I agree that you should be getting Aero as you have supported version of Vista installed. Just to ensure we cover the basics. Can you confirm if you met the following hardware requirements:
I met the requirements you specified, yet I'm still not getting Aero to work for me. Anything else I should do?
Of course, you can check if your display setting for color is set to 32 bit. Your monitor refresh rate should be set to higher that 10 Hz, your current theme is set to Windows Vista with the color scheme set to Aero, lastly, window frame transparency should be on. Let me know if these are the settings that you have.
I changed my settings as you mentioned but still no Aero. By the way, I recently installed a new video card, does that have anything to do with it?
That will definitely affect Aero specially if you installed it after Windows Vista has been set up. What you can do in this case is to update your computer's performance score that should (hopefully) enable Aero for you. Here's how:
Go to START > Control Panel > System and Maintenance then click on Performance Information and Tools. From there click on "Update my score".
Oh, so that's what I should have done. It's working now. I didn't know my video card replacement would actually cause Aero to act up. Thanks so much for your help! You got me up and running!