Cannot see my posted suggestions

I cannot see my posted suggestions and the mails are too lengthy to type please reduce the 200 limit words.

I cannot see my posted suggestions and the mails are too lengthy to type please reduce the 200 limit words.
Hi friend,
Where you posting your post? Take a look about that. Many server or blog have some rule for posting any suggestion or comments. So first you have to know those rules before posting your suggestion.
Do not use any add option at the time of posting comments. Then do not use any link or like button at the time of posting comments. Also take care about language. Do not use unexpected word or slang at the time of posting comments.
There are many server or blogger have moderator for check comments before posting. So if any moderator is checking suggestion then it will take some delay. Wait for one or two days to post your suggestion.
I’m not sure if you are pointing here or to another website. I think the reason why you cannot see all the suggestions you submitted to the site is because of the number of posts that other members are also submitting. With the number of users submitting different posts at the same time, your post might be covered with more and more latest posts.
If you can’t see your post immediately, try viewing your profile or your account. I’m sure you will find a link there that shows all the posts or blogs you have submitted to the site. Just like here, if a user submitted a question and that query received a comment from another user, the user who created or posted the question will immediately receive an alert in his account telling that someone has posted a comment.
You can then view what the comment says. There is a portion in your account that lists the history of all the posts you have submitted.