Cannot Share Pictures and Album Not Found Error in Picasa

I would like to use Picasa to share pictures online but having problems using Picasa 3.8 and Picasa 3.9. I’m receiving the error message “Error: Online Album Not Found. Upload Failed!" regardless whether I’m using Picasa 3.8 with my picasaweb account (PWA) or Picasa 3.9 with Google+. After trying to upload photos to my PWA account, I can see an empty folder but the photos are nowhere to be seen. This not the case with my Google+ account. There are no folders or pictures. I was wondering if this has anything to with Google Takeout’s new data liberation feature. I used it to create an archive of my PWA photos as I thought it would be a good idea to backup my photos by downloading them in an archive. It seems to have “broken” my account. Hopefully I’m wrong, and it’s totally unrelated.
Could using Google Takeout have locked my account? Can someone help me? I am no longer able to share pictures. Thank you in advance.