When I attempt to start or quit the Office program error message appears with NET Framework Core CLR Hotfix Package. Is this problem with emulation Ethernet driver or anything else? If you have any clue please suggest me soon. Any help would be appreciated. I am a user of Win 7 64bit OS. Thanks.
Attachmate.Emulation.Frame.exe-Fatal Error
 CLR Error: 80004005.
The program will now terminate.
Cannot start or quit the Office program
The solution your problem is simple, The error message is caused due to an old version of .Net framework which is not compatible with the correct software, This error is also caused if any .vb application is used and the framework is not compatible with this current version so
first uninstall the program
second restart and install the .NET framework and
Third restart the program
I would recommend you to download the latest .NET framework version versionÂ
For more information please go to https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/549ec74f-5a52-4273-aaf9-8743ca85026e/clr-error-80004005