Asked By
Dina Sotto
10 points
Posted on - 03/29/2012
I recently purchased Canon printer and I've been getting this irritating message telling me "You are only using the color cartridge". I've configured it in preferences to use only color ink cartridge because I'm only printing colored prints. Can you tell me a way to disable the message? Thank You.
Canon printer ‘color ink only’ irritating message
According to your settings this message should be displayed.
Because in the printing it use four colors to print something. It is a one method. There are more methods such as six color method.
I will tell about the four color method since it is the common method. This printing method also known as “CMYK Printing” or “four color printing”. The printers also use this method.
In CMYK printing we use these colors
So you can see the black color also need to complete a print. It is giving you a quality print. So you have to use black color also.