I have a wifi router, the model is :Windstream Sagem 1704 . My iPad 2 isrunning 4.3.3and I find difficulty connecting to the internet. But with the same router I can connect to the internet at university.
Can’t connect to the internet through Windstream router
Hi Caroline,
There may be several reasons that it may not be working at your home .I would like to give you some troubleshooting
information so that you can try these and hopefully it might work for you. You can try resetting your device to its default configurations which is the basic step actually or you can say the beginner step. I think you already tried this. In this process you
need to plug out all the power supply and others utility and restart your pc to make it work. If the above process does not work then you can check the IP address of your iPad which the windstream modem may be receiving. If you see the invalid IP address then it's time to contact your provider because it might be the network problem .Feel free to contact the support team because I heard that they are really helpful in these matters.
P.S. I hope I have answered your queries. Dry these step and if you still have the problem then feel free to pm me and I will try to help again.
Can’t connect to the internet through Windstream router
If the Wi-Fi router on your school and at home is the same but you can’t connect your device to the internet when you’re at home, you probably just need to troubleshoot your Wi-Fi router. If your router at home has a power button, press it to turn it off then unplug it from the power for about 10 to 20 seconds.
Press any button on the router to drain any leftover power or to power cycle. After this, plug the router back to the power and turn it on. When the router is ready, try connecting your device to your Wi-Fi network then see if it works.
Also, since you are using Wi-Fi to connect to the internet, make sure you are not too far from the Wi-Fi router because it can affect your connection. The farther you are from the router, the weaker the signal you can receive. And when you have a weak signal, your connection may encounter sudden interruptions. You may also try changing the channel of your Wi-Fi router.