I am trying to find the folder option of windows explorer in my PC. But I can not found the option. Where the option gone. I have tried several times by restarting my computer but same things happen. The folder option is not seen to my computer.
How can I find it?
Could not find Folder option of windows explorer
Malware often drops itself as a hidden file and then disables the Folder Options menu in Windows Explorer so you can't change the settings to view hidden files and folder If you are unable to access the Tools Folder Options in Windows Explorer, here's how to modify the registry to regain access to the Folder Options menu.
Here's How:
Click Start.
Click Run.
Click OK.
The Registry Editor will now open.
Browse to the following key:
In the right pane, look for the value: NoFolderOptions
Right click NoFolderOptions and select Delete. (When prompted with "Are you sure you want to delete this value", select Yes.
Now browse to the following key:
In the right pane, look for the value: NoFolderOptions
Right click NoFolderOptions and select Delete. (When prompted with "Are you sure you want to delete this value", select Yes.
Close the Registry by choosing File | Exit.
You should now be able to access the Folder Options menu. If not, reboot into Safe Mode and repeat the steps outlined above.
Could not find Folder option of windows explorer
Due to virus attack or some other reason the Folder Option in Windows Explorer may be missing. But it is not a big issue you can easily bring it back. One of the solutions is to click Start and Run gpedit.msc. Then select User Configuration and then expand Administrative Templates. Expand Windows Components and then select Windows Explorer. There will be an option named “Remove Folder Options menu from Tool menu”. Enable this option and then disable again. After doing so close all windows explorer windows and open again. You will be able to see Folder Option again in Windows Explorer.
Another solution to restore Folder Option is by editing Windows Registry. Select Run from Start Menu and run regedit. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer. There will be a DWORD value in the right pane named NoFolderOptions. Change its value to zero or you may delete it. Open Windows Explorer. You will find Folder Option.
Could not find Folder option of windows explorer
Good Day Jackson,
Missing folder option in Windows Explorer and My Computer may be a cause of virus infection and file corruption. To address this problem you must update your Antivirus and scan your hard disk. You may also install Autorun Eater to fix folder option and windows registry. Please see the link to download the freeware:
If you are done downloading Autorun Eater, kindly install it then run the program. On the right part of the task bar, right click AE icon on taskbar then select Registry fix – Fix Folder Options then restart your PC.

Note: You can also use Autorun Eater to protect your computer / laptop from suspicious autorun.inf / Malware.