Asked By
henry goal
0 points
Posted on - 09/05/2011
In mac operating system when I try to install any software then I receive below error.
Error: can't open the application … not supported on this architecture.
Can any one tell me why I am receiving this error? Due to this error my all work has been stopped please tell me its solution as soon as possible.

Error detail is given below for your understanding
You can’t open the application “Run syntax Tests” because it is not supported on this architecture.
Can’t open the application “Run syntax Tests”
Hello there,
What version of mac os x do you have? The error message is simply complaining that the software you are trying to run is not supported in your operating system. If you are having the latest mac os x version, then the application Run Syntax Tests must be a 32 bit application. Though theoretically, 32 bit application could run in 64 bit operating system. They're might be some specifications that preventing the application to run in 64 bit. Or the other way around might have caused the error. You are running lower version of mac os x, those 32 bit, then you are trying to run the application which is built into 64 bit. That definitely could not run.
Can’t open the application “Run syntax Tests”
Running an application is the same for both Microsoft Windows and OS X platforms. Before you can run a program or maybe install it, that program must be compatible with the operating system you are using. If the program is not supported then you will receive a similar message and there’s no way to fix it.
The only way to install or run the program is to find a version that supports your operating system. Before installing a program, check that your computer meets the requirements. If “Run Syntax Tests” is a program, check that its version is compatible with your platform. If the program is a download, go back to the download page and find a version compatible with your computer.