Asked By
10 points
Posted on - 09/13/2011
Hi everyone,
Trying to configure my ATI Radeon 9800 video card but when I try to get to the ATI Catalyst Control Center on Linux I get this error message:
Initialization Error
There was a problem initializing Catalyst Control Center Linux edition. It could be caused by the following.
No ATI graphics driver is installed, or the ATI driver is not functioning properly.
Please install the ATI driver appropriate for your ATI hardware, or configure using aticonfig.
I am newbie in Linux so any assistance will be much appreciated.
Catalyst control center for linux
I give you tips basically on Ubuntu Natty. I don't know what your type of Linux or your computer system.
Open the Terminal then type:
Sudo apt-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates
Sudo apt-get update
Sudo apt-get install fglrx
If your system is 64 bit, Install this BEFORE anything:
Sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
Type this command:
Sudo apt-get remove fglrx
Now find your link driver here. Then type this in the terminal:
Change "" in your auto drivers' link. You can get it from here.
After you download, right click the Run file then sets it to run as an executable. Then type again in the terminal:
Cd /path_of_the_file
For installing in 32 bit system:
Sh ./
In 64 bit system.
Sh ./ –buildpkg Ubuntu/natty
Sudo dpkg -i fglrx*.deb
Once it's done, type:
Sudo aticonfig –initial -f
If you still get the error warning after you run the run file, it possible your SELinux blocking your application. Get back to Terminal and type this as root:
Cat /selinux/exforce
This will show the current policy of your driver.
To temporarily disable SELinux
Setenforce 0
Hope this can help you.