Causes Of Windows Update Error 0x80070652

Can someone tell me the possible cause for windows update error 0x80070652. Thanks in advance for the help.

Can someone tell me the possible cause for windows update error 0x80070652. Thanks in advance for the help.
Cause of windows update error 0x80070652 can be different on different PCs, thus we listed several most common causes of this error.
Multiple Windows installer processes run at the same time. Windows cannot run multiple installers simultaneously. The error code means you should close extra installation. You can do that in Windows Task Manager and then process like setup.msi or setup.exe.
Users are trying to downloading another application while Windows is upgrading the system.
Previous update installations issue. For example, the previous upgrade process was not properly completed or has been damaged.
Corrupted Windows registry or drivers
Virus or malicious file
System crash.