Unable to read CD/DVD Drive of my computer

I am using Windows XP and I am having problems with my CD ROM. It doesn't recognize any disk that I inserted. Can you please tell me how to resolve this? Thank you.

I am using Windows XP and I am having problems with my CD ROM. It doesn't recognize any disk that I inserted. Can you please tell me how to resolve this? Thank you.
Try and clean the disc that you inserted, it may be dirty or has dust on it. If it has scratches, and lots of it, that may be the reason why it's not readable. Try another disc and see if the CD-ROM drive is able to read it. If it still can't, then try using a disc lens cleaner. Perhaps the reason why your CD-ROM drive is not reading the disc is because it has a dirty lens due to accumulation of dust. If this fails, then you can try using a known working CD-ROM drive if there's on available. This should determine if your CD-ROM drive has problems and needs replacement, if the working CD-ROM drive works on your system.
Thank you. Hope it helps.
Clair june
The question here is what kind of CD drive do you have? It might be that it only supports CD or DVD only. Try using different CD if not then I suggest that you do a lens clean for your CD drive. Try using a different CD drive as well to test if your CD drive is the one that has the problem and make sure that all of your CD are clean before you test it out on that CD drive of yours.
You can also try External CD drive but it is expensive but the thing is it is portable which is an advantage in case you have netbooks or other computers. But make sure to buy one that supports both CD and DVD.