CD Rom is not working
Why is My CD Rom not working.
I was using Operating System Windows XP but changed it to Windows Vista and that's when it stopped working
Why is My CD Rom not working.
I was using Operating System Windows XP but changed it to Windows Vista and that's when it stopped working
Hey Dear!
Just follow these steps and you will found your CD Rom working.
1. Click on Start button.
2. In search box, type regedit and hit enter.
3. It will open the Registry editor. Go to the following path by expanding (+) sign.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > ControlClass > {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
4. Here on the right side if you see UpperFilters or LowerFilters, just delete them by pressing right click on it.
5. Once done, reboot your computer.
When the windows come back on desktop after rebooting, you will be able to see your CD Rom working.
There are several possibilities which have been causing this issue. Out of these, driver issue is the one with high probability. You can check that whether your optical drive is detected by windows or not. To do so follow these steps,
Finally restart your PC and wait for the drive to respond.