Certificate Authentication on Cisco Wireless LAN

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have Cisco Wireless LAN Controller which uses PEAP authentication. Is it possible for me to set up machine and user authentication that requires a certificate to connect in my wireless network? Can you please explain further on how to set it up correctly?

Answered By 0 points N/A #105640

Certificate Authentication on Cisco Wireless LAN


try this


go to cisco acs system configuration

first enable the PEAP configuration function

now you will have to create a PEAP user/client,this is found under the user setup tab

next create a password eg.cisco

now login your cisco router,then go to WLAN,then security,then under layer 2 security change it to ****.1x

now go back to the client/user and you will have to create a new profile

this is how

go to the wireless network properties

click on the wireless tab

then click on add

under network name (SSID) type PEAP

at the top of the window click on the authentication tab

now change the wap type to PEAP

and disable "authenticate as computer"


good luck






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