Change my graphic card in my laptop

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I know this is a stupid question that have been asked million times. But I really need a clear answer for this stupid question. Well, my question is: Is there any chance for my laptop to change the graphic card in it? By any chance? Cause I really need to change to a better graphic card for my games and hardcore software. Thank you.

Best Answer by danish_mahmood123
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #81922

Change my graphic card in my laptop



Yes you have change the graphic card of it and may take a big risk of breaking your laptop. I suggest you that you don't change the graphic card of your laptop. If your laptop is highly speed and the settings is set automatically then when you changed the graphic card it may be work properly.

And when your laptop is not highly speed and their more of the settings is manually then please don't change the graphic card. It may be you lose your laptop sometimes when we changed the graphic card then the laptop can break it.


Answered By 0 points N/A #81923

Change my graphic card in my laptop


Yes you can change your laptop graphic card. If you want to change your laptop graphic card then what you have to do. go to the shopkeeper and ask for the best graphic card.

But if you want to play some sort of game and for that you want to change your graphic card then you have not only to change you graphic card you have to increase the speed of you processor, your ram that will work finely with your new graphic card. The graphic card can only display the graphic of game you want to play but it could not increase the process time of your game.


Answered By 0 points N/A #81924

Change my graphic card in my laptop


This is the most useless "guide" I've seen on replacing computer parts. Basically:

1: It's hard.

2: Open your laptop.

3: Replace the card.

4: Close your laptop.

Where's the relevant info? Which card did you replace? Which laptop model? mobo? Which type of connector do laptop cards use?

Where did you get your replacement card?

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