Change my IP using batch file

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Techyv Guys,

I am working with a LAN connection and would like to change my IP using batch file, Please do the needful for providing the batch file script coding, that will help me to change my IP. Waiting to hear from Techyv Experts.

Thanks and Regards,

Zebbena Laz

Answered By 0 points N/A #145816

Change my IP using batch file


I have attached a .txt file with the necessary code. Please copy and paste the code into a notepad then save it with a .bat extension and put the name in double quotes (“”) for example “Example.bat”. If you don't save the name with the double quotes the file will be saved as Example.bat.txt. Make sure to change the lines 2-7 according to your setting. After making the necessary changes and saving the .bat file, double click on it to execute it.

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