Change scheduled scan with McAfee

Is it possible to do a schedule scan on all network clients on specified date and time using EPO Server of McAfee? Can I change the time of scheduled updates by different clients?

Is it possible to do a schedule scan on all network clients on specified date and time using EPO Server of McAfee? Can I change the time of scheduled updates by different clients?
A feature named idle timer can responsible for scheduled scan. All user sate it to time that computer in rest and schedule scan could not star when the will be middle of some work.
Idle timer can star scheduled scan cpu usage is less than 10% and it remaining for 10 minutes.
You can set your computer seduced scan tile to add a time for scan in idle timer. You can delete any other seduced scan time that added here for scan so scan will not run on that time. And seduced scan will run on your time that you want.