Changing the label shipping Joomla template

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am using Virtual Mart 2 on Joomla 2.5, the shipping address seems to be not proper in the invoice (because state name comes after country name), so I need to change the label shipping Joomla template, so that the address is in proper order. How to do it ?

Answered By 0 points N/A #157657

Changing the label shipping Joomla template



Ok, templates are basically a series of xml, php, html and image files.  These files are stored in the templates directory of your site. The Template manager has an interface that allows you to edit these files. To make changes, follow these instructions:

Create a new directory templates/my_template
Copy the contents of the original template directory to the my_template directory.
Go to the language/en-GB directory and copy language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_template.ini to en-GB.tpl_my_template.ini
Open the templateDetails.xml file in the my_template directory and change ALL references for the original template directory to the new directory my_template.
Another way of solving this issue is to backup your template and your folder template before you make any changes. Then go to the back end and select Site/Extensions/Templates.  Select the template you wish to modify and click the edit icon.  You will be able to edit the Html and CSS.

I hope this is useful.

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