Which one of Centos, Redhat and Ubuntu should I choose to install on my computer? Why would you recommend one particular Linux operating system and not another? Have you had any particular issues using one of these operating systems and how did you manage to solve the problem? Do you know of any recurring issues with one of these systems?
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Choosing Between Centos, Redhat and Ubuntu
Different Linux have different features. Among the Linux editions you listed, I choose Ubuntu the best and also recommend that because of its high performance and better UI.
Ubuntu comes with a large number of users where CentOS is for server purpose. For personal usage, Ubuntu is great with its Unity interface. It’s easy to use and less complex. All of the programs found all over the world are mostly compatible with Ubuntu as it’s the most popular Linux distribution.
CentOS is for server solution, not for personal usage. Ubuntu also supports for server but not so good as CentOS is. As you’re targeting for personal use, I recommend Ubuntu.
RedHat isn’t free and not so good as Ubuntu is. Ubuntu is free, better than any other Linux.