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Posted on - 04/12/2012
Once everybody is looking for cheaper and cheaper SSD memories, WD presents "WD Scorpio Blue", a classic storage device thought to be include in ultrabooks.
What big laptop manufacturer is going to use Scorpio Blue instead SSD memories? Are these trendy users looking for a huge storage or higher transfer rates?
Classic HDD versus SSD memories
For me the answer is simple and that answer is Silicon State Drive. For me a big manufacturer that uses SSD is Alien Ware. I can tell you from experience that it’s good to have space, and it’s even better to have speed. I have a SSD 60GB for my operating system and my Windows 7 operating system loads in approx. 15 seconds will all the software that is written in my boot-up sequence. For me if you want space, buy an external hard drive and store there all you need. And another big plus for SSD, they don’t make any sound. It’s like a bigger, faster USB Stick.