Clear your doubts about Storage Area Network.
I want to use the Storage Area Network, but I have some doubts related to this topic. So, please explain about Storage Area Network? Reply ASAP.
I want to use the Storage Area Network, but I have some doubts related to this topic. So, please explain about Storage Area Network? Reply ASAP.
Hello. The computer network, which is used to provide access to block-level data storage, is known as Storage Area Network (SAN). It is a dedicated network of storage, but not accessible through the LAN (Local Area Network). The primary use of the Storage Area Network is to access the storage devices (like disk arrays), which will help the device appear as attached storage to the operating system. The composition of Storage Area Network is made up of switches, hosts, storage elements. Multiple sites can also be spanned by Storage Area Network. The Availability of application is improved by Storage Area Network. In BCM (Business Continuity Management) activities of a company, SAN plays a vital role. Storage Area Network makes storage more effective and increases security and data protection.