Hi Techyv Friends,
I am using Windows 7 OS 64 bits. I want to enable remote client access over VPN connection. Please Guide me with step by step method for client access for windows 7 64 bit. Your guidance will be helpful for me to access the client server.
Thanks friends,
Tyrone E Louis
Client access for Windows 7 64
Hi Tyrone,
The steps for client access for Windows 7 are as follows:
1) Click 'Start', type 'regedit', press enter
2) Locate the registry subkey 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesCSC'
3) Right click and select 'Key'
4) Type 'Parameters' in the box
5) Right click 'Parameters', click 'DWORD (32bit) value'
6) Type 'Format Database', press enter
7) Right click 'Format Database', Click 'Modify'
8) In the 'Value Data' box, type '1', Click 'OK'
9) Exit Registry editor, Restart the system