Closest application to Excel for Mac users

What is the closest application to Microsoft Excel if you are using a mac if I do not purchase the Ioffice application? If I need to keep data and store information, what do I use for a macbook?

What is the closest application to Microsoft Excel if you are using a mac if I do not purchase the Ioffice application? If I need to keep data and store information, what do I use for a macbook?
     I guess you do not have to look for an application or a program that is much like or similar to Microsoft Office Excel. I mean why search for another application when you can use Microsoft Office Excel itself in your own Mac Operating System. You see, Microsoft has already released a Microsoft Office Suite which is available for Mac users including you. Ofcourse, along with the office suite is Microsoft Excel. Along with your Microsoft Excel are the features you enjoy in your Windows pc. Ofcourse, the feature of keeping and storing data in an organized way is also covered. Check this link.
>>Mathew Joni<<