Other way to close active window
Hi guys,
Hi guys,
Yes you can do in two ways.
Method 1:
Press “Alt” key with “F4” key
Method 2
Press “Alt” then “Space bar” then “c”
You can close a Window by activating system control icon which is on the left corner of the Windows you can see this by clicking on the top left corner of any Window.
The shortcut is as follows
Press “Alt” key then “Space bar” then it will bring a small drop down menu then press “C”
It will be easier for you to close a window quickly when you get a little practice for this.
Thanks for the idea… I think (Alt+F4) anyway easy for me other than ( Alt+Spacebar+C ) appreciates your support
Yes Alt+F4 is easier than Alt+spacebar+C but when you get practice little you may like the second option. Because you can use this key fast since those 3 keys are located so closer.
Anyway let me practice both ways because I want to close Windows fast as I have to open so many Windows one after another in my office hours. So other than locating from the mouse pointer I thing this would be easy for me.
Yes you practice in both ways but Earlier when I came to know these two methods I thought (Alt+F4) is easier than (Alt+Spacebar+C) but when I get practice it was easy for me to do the second trick.
OK I'll try to do so anyway, I highly appreciate your kind support to provide me clear instruction. Even though this is a tiny piece of information, in my case I would help me to save lots of time as I have to Open and close lots of files during duty time as we have more than 600 staff in our company.
You can close a Window by pressing Alt+F4 key, by clicking on the control icon and then click Close and by right-clicking the program on the task bar and choose Close.