Cloud computing security concerns in year 2012?

There is a lot of risk using cloud computing technologies and we experience day to day challenges on this issue. But researchers are trying their best to have a stabled and secure ways for this technology. The following remains risky and getting worked on:
– Cloud outages. This risk is always an ongoing issue that until now researchers works hard to keep this technology available all the time.
– Security. Cloud computing is virtual technology, privacy and security of the data are still at risk against intruders and cyber attacks.
Dear user,
There are few risks and security concerns when it comes to cloud computing such as,
Every breached security system was once infallible.
Companies need to be vigilant about how their passwords and files are protected and changed. And providers also have the access to the information stored.
However these questions are being debated.
Is the provider of the service owning the data and do they actually provide their owned storage space.
And can they deny access to the clients' data.
Thank you.
Some of the issues that have not been solved yet are:
(A) Data sovereignty: if the provider has their hosting facility outside the country, will these pieces of information be subject to the laws of this other country?
(B) Private and Hybrid Clouds: does this really assure security of private information?
(C) Service Level Agreements: considering that there are employees of the service provider who can have access to the corporate data, what assurance does the company get that it will remain secure?