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Posted on - 06/13/2012
As we know Windows 8 is going to be the next generation for application development so cloud OS is going to be the next big thing in the technology world. Windows Azure and Windows Server 2012 are working together as the cloud OS. What new features are going to be introduced in this new system?
Can we think as a beginning of a new era?
Cloud OS- the new era of technology
Hi there,
Yes I think that Cloud OS will become the new era of OS. Satya Nedalla said that the jobs of the operating system are to manage the hardware and to provide a platform from any applications. But the reason why the operating system” are evolving is because the applications that are releasing nowadays are changing very big. So it needs a kind of software that can handle this kind of applications that are releasing that is why they invented the Cloud OS.
Thanks hope this help you
Cloud OS- the new era of technology
Windows Server 2012 and Windows Azure serves almost all the cloud specific features and are briefed as follows:
Windows Server 2012 serves the key features of public cloud services like networking, storage and scalability. Hence it is termed as cloud–optimized OS. It is released in the month of May of current running year, 2012 which is very recent.
Windows Azure updated version is rendering support to windows and Linux images on virtual machines and virtual networks. It is also a recent release and has an extra support for Java and Python. This opens doors for developers to install Microsoft Light Switch which is a development tool used to for rapid application development. Using this developers can build and deploy very quickly and manage applications that support HTML 5. Any device specific applications can be built by the developers.
Windows Intune is new release of the more latest version with expanded mobile management besides PC management and serves with more security-benefits and upgrade-rights. The constant releases by Microsoft with continued enhancements in the cloud OS definitely aims at making windows as must-need-OS for cloud services and hence beginning the new era in cloud computing rendering support as public, private and hybrid services.
Charle Faru