Code 643 Windows Update encountered an unknown error

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys,

I have my windows XP OS set up to automatically download  updates from Microsoft and I get the yellow shield that appears at the bottom right of my task bar to download and install updates and the downloading seems to be working fine. However it does not install and I get this error message:

Windows Update

Some updates were not installed

Failed: 1 update

Review important updates

Review optional updates

Error(s) found:

Code 643 Windows Update encountered an unknown error. Get help with this error


Any help guys?


Best Answer by Vinson forman
Answered By 0 points N/A #123453

Code 643 Windows Update encountered an unknown error


The Windows update error code 643 in Windows 7 Operating System could be resolved by the two methods. 

The first one is to fix the MSI software update registration corruption issues. 

For this you have to first confirm whether the product is affected or not. 

Then you have to re-create software update cache registry details and should delete the remaining software update references. 

If the problem is not solved then, you are advised to repair the .NET Framework using the .NET Framework Cleanup Tool.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #196830

Code 643 Windows Update encountered an unknown error


Hi Dear,

Thanks that you have shared your problem with us here.

This error code 643 Related to .NET Framework.

Dear .NET Framework is very huge platform and it cannot be updated so easily.

It has a great mass containing files to be updated which requires more time to be connected with internet.

On the other hand if you have not installed .NET Framework then kindly first install its latest version then it will automatically be updated every time you connect to internet.

Purely this is .NET Framework 643 Error.

Kindly act as above mentioned, you will be satisfied.


Answered By 40 points N/A #123454

Code 643 Windows Update encountered an unknown error


Hi Yvette,

To fix this issue view the missing updates and install them manually by browsing for them in the internet. Install all MS updates that you need to. Also, you can pay a visit this Techyv post " Got Error 643 when installing .NET Framework" to get more help to resolve this issue.

Answered By 40 points N/A #123455

Code 643 Windows Update encountered an unknown error


Hello, this error is seen if you don't install updates frequently and also if your computer .Net framework is not updated which also installed in the windows updates file. So to avoid such errors please keep your PC updated and install all the recommended updates. If you install all of them and still getting this problem please check your internet connection is in good working condition then backup your important data and then update it again.

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